Talking Corner, Nardini Editore,
2nd edition of the
Salone dell’Arte e del Restauro di Firenze.
Stazione Leopolda, Florence.
11,12,13 November.
Thursday, 11th November - 11.30am moderator: Francesca Attardo, mosaic conservator and
restorer, vice president of the Associazione Bastioni.
Debating theme : considering that the profession of restorer/conservator is undertaken by many mor
females than males, does this mean that female conservators/restorers are better professionals than their
male peers? Debators:
Yes, they are: Bettina Schindler Pratesi, conservator/restorer ethnographic materials
No, they are not: Lucia Nucci, conservator/restorer textiles
Thursday; 11th November - 12.15pm - moderator: Muriel Vervat, easel and panel painting
Debating theme: most directors of conservation/restoration sites are art historians, do you agree that
they should indeed direct a working site? Debators:
Yes, I do agree: Giorgio Bonsanti. Former Director of the Galleria Estense of Modena, the
Accademia museum, San Marco and the Medici Chapels of Florence. Former Superintendent of the
Opificio delle Pietre Dure and professor at the University of Torino and Florence.
No, I don’t agree: Guido Botticelli, wall painter conservator. Former conservator/restorer and
teacher at the Opificio delle Pietre Dure, wall painting department 1977 al 1988.
or a scientist could direct a working site: sustaining this point of view; Lorenzo Appolonia, scientist
from the Soprintendenza per i Beni Culturali della Valle d'Aosta.
Friday 12th November - 12.15pm - moderator: Lorenzo Appolonia, scientist from the
Soprintendenza per i Beni Culturali della Valle d'Aosta.
Debating theme: quoting Paracelso: "it’s the dose that makes the poison” we question whether toxic
solvents should still be used by working conservators and restorers. Yes, they should: Ottaviano Caruso, wall painting conservator/restorer.
No they shouldn’t: Francesco Carnevale, Health and Safety doctor; former chief director of the
Unità Funzionale Prevenzione Igiene e Sicurezza nei Luoghi di Lavoro "G. Pieraccini" dell'Azienda
Sanitaria di Firenze.
Saturday 13th November - 12.15pm – moderator: Alberto Felici, OPD conservator/restorer, wall
painting department.
Debating theme: is the retouching of large painted surfaces (wall paintings, stone facades etc) a waste
of resources? Especially when using techniques such as selezione cromatica?Yes, it is a waste of resources: Paolo Cantaluppi: wall painting/easle and panel paintings
No, it is not a waste of resources: Miriam Ricci: wall painting/stone conservator/restorer.